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How to Get the Seller to Sign Today

June 3, 2024 | 1 Minute Read

Your seller is hesitant and undecided about signing the contract. Here’s the perfect script for moving the needle in your favor.

We’re looking to use up our remaining capital. We want to finalize this property deal now because at the start of each week, our priorities and budgets will change. Every month brings new opportunities, new market focuses, and different allocations for our company.

If we don’t make a decision today, we’ll have to send this back to underwriting, and there’s a chance we might not want the property later. My biggest concern is that clients like you might reach out in a few months, hoping for the same offer, and I won’t be able to provide it. It’s tough when I can’t honor a previous offer due to changes.

We don’t want you to feel rushed, but it seems like we’ve agreed on all the terms and you’re ready to move forward, right? If everything looks good to you, we should proceed with closing. We’ve given you all the information you need, so there shouldn’t be anything left to reconsider. Let’s push ahead and finalize this deal.

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