REI School

Home Prices and Population Shifts by County

July 29, 2024 | 3 Minute Read

According to the latest Zillow Home Value Index data, national home prices ended June 2024 up by 45% compared to March 2020. In just 54 months, the country has experienced house price appreciation comparable to some entire decades in the past.

Certain regional housing markets have seen even greater appreciation.

The Zillow Home Price Index identified the 50 housing markets with the highest house price appreciation since March 2020, showing gains ranging from 65% to 83%.

To see where your county or your investments fall, view the interactive map here.

Among these top 50 markets, only one (Knoxville, TN: +74%) is among the 100 largest housing markets by population.

Most of these high-growth markets are smaller and were exceptionally active during the Pandemic Housing Boom. They include “Zoomtowns,” beach towns, and mountain towns.

Many of these markets with significant house price appreciation since March 2020 also share another characteristic: large population gains.

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